That's right. I am a lucky duck on the quarter system and am home! Although, once finals for winter quarter come rolling by, I won't be so lucky and I'll be cursing all you lucky folks with semesters.
Anyway, on Friday, I woke up at 6:30 so I could shower before my bus, which I'd scheduled at 7:30 because my flight was at... 10? I can't remember anymore, but the next bus wasn't for a while, so I had to take the early one. And let me tell you, I am not a morning person. Under no circumstances will I ever be one. So, I get to the airport, and it is packed. So I'm thinking: Wow! Good thing I thought ahead and got an early bus; I'll get to the gate right on time! Sorry, self. My flight was delayed for three hours, and once I got on the plane, we couldn't take off because all the other flights had been delayed, so there was a big plane-jam on the runway. I was supposed to be home at 12:00. I got on the plane at 12:40, we took off at 1:30, then once I got there, there was another traffic jam and I didn't end up getting home until 4:45. Oh boy. At least my parents super spoiled me once I got home and took me out for a nice dinner at a buffet, teehee. Lots of yummy steak for me!
Sunday was the Christmas concert at church and it was really great! They really outdid themselves. It was the best one I've been to so far! I took loads of pictures and I'll try to get around to uploading them sometime or another. I also went on a mini photoshoot Sunday afternoon and took roughly 40 pictures, although I dislike the majority of them, haha. That's the problem with auto-focus and self-photography. Also, it was incredibly cold and I was wearing 4-inch heels, so after a few minutes, I called it quits. I really need to start taking photos more often though, especially since I want to compile a portfolio as a fashion stylist. Every now and then, I particularly like an outfit I pick out, tell myself I'll take a picture of it later, then never get around to it. I need to be more motivated! Go, self, go! Work for those internships!
Anyway, that's about it. I plan on doing lots of baking/trying out of recipes over the break, so look forward to lots of food pictures! Love you all.
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